Monday, September 16, 2013

Reasons to and not to buy a Wii U

Some of you might have read this before but I'm going to post it here as well because of the recent price drop and new bundle that includes Wind Waker HD remake.

Reasons not to buy a Wii U

5) the price isn't right. At $350 for the "deluxe" model, the console is a bit pricy. 

4) the Wii U to Wii interface is strange and unwarranted. The 2 eshops do not communicate with each other and you have to go to the Wii channel to access those games be they downloaded or on disc.

3) I already own a 3DS and the Wii U is just a big DS... Seriously that's it.

2) the lack of real games be they DLC or on disc is disheartening . The games should be there but they aren't 

1) The lack of actual dual screen drawing and video apps make the touch screen and camera useless unless the game supports said functionality.

Reasons to get a Wii U

5) the library is sure to be robust with at least decent games in the near future.

4) The games and apps though there are very little do dual screen right. Though it's mostly the same way the DS has done for years now, the Wii u does use the second screen idea better than any other video game console so far.

3)The friends list has finally been fixed making it very easy to find people without having to enter a credit card esque number. There is a chat feature as well as a video chat feature.

2)The Internet browser is the best on any console using the second screen means you can queue up a video while watching a video on a different site. And you can do all of this in the middle of a game. Basically making walk through videos a more viable resource for those having trouble in New Super Mario Bros U. Also probably really good for you perverts out there.

1) it's available now, has backwards compatibility, and can replace your TV remote. Not to mention all the above problems are fixable issues that probably will be fixed.

Hope this helps you make an informed decision.

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