Tuesday, September 3, 2013

"Guess What? Miley's Butt"

So Long & Thanks For All The Fish

Gerard Murphy, 57, actor


So we heard from WB and DC after last week's Podcast, that in the sequel to man of steel, we will see Batfleck. To steel a joke, will he be fighting the JLOker? Find out in the next episode, same Bat time, same bat channel. So who should play Alfred?

Joss Whedon joked about killing people in A2 in an article that appeared in EW. He also said that it would have to be OKed by Marvel first.

Arrested Development fans will get a movie before season 5. Which basically guarantees the movie since Netflix has renewed it for season 5.

So Chadwick Boseman must really like playing dead icons. He first played Jackie Robinson in 42 now he'll be playing James Brown. What's next? A Denzel pic?



The Great Gatsby

Pain and Gain

Box Office:


The one Direction 3D Movie

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