Friday, October 4, 2013

GTA Online is out! Sorry the show will suck


What interested you this week?

Playing Favorites
So Long & Thanks For All The Fish

Tom Clancy, 66, American author (The Hunt for Red October).

What If...

   So there is a bunch of TV news we'll get to first. First off Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Had it's first real guest star on Tuesday. If you didn't see it I'll try not to spoil it; though the secret has 1408 possibilities, is a Phantom Menace, and is anything but Unbreakable. Seriously though, this opens the door for other huge characters to guest star on what is turning out to be a really good show. Secondly, The Simpsons has announced that one of the main/recurring characters will join Maude Flanders in the afterlife. Only 2 permanent deaths from a series older than Mitch ain't bad. Who could it be? well the only clue we have is that the actor who plays this character has won an Emmy for the role. not much of a clue at all. Breaking Bad ended and even though there was a lot of sadness it was apparently very well handled.

   From TV to episodic movies. Oscar winning actor Daniel Day-Lewis is apparently in the sights of the crew of Star Wars Episode VII: The Quest for More Money. Though I may have fucked that Spaceballs reference I believe you all get the idea.

   So a few weeks ago we told you about the movie J.K. Rowling is writing based in the Harry Potter universe. Well apparently that isn't the only movie WB is trying to milk out of the now classic series. Classic meaning it came out 20 years ago.
   The forth Narnia film is now in development. Based on The Silver Chair, the forth book in the series. Am I the only one thinking we should reboot Narnia and start again in fucking order?

   Fuck you Mark Millar! I can't get a comic writing gig but apparently every fucking book you write is box office gold or at least cinema fodder. Mark Millar's children's book, Kindergarden Heroes will be made into a feature film.

   Disney's Maleficent is apperntly getting some huge fucking buzz, so much so that Disney thinks all Villain based movies are a good idea. So stay tuned for Cruella. The life of Cruella De Vil focusing on how she got to the point of wanting to skin dogs.

   So the makers of the next Friday The 13th installment want it to be found footage. Well lets change the entire format for the film's 13th installment...groan... Seriously this would work as a reboot but not a sequel. Basically we already know Jason. Why not reboot the franchise and make it all about the horror inflicted on these poor over sexed teens? Here's my pitch for Friday the 13th: Part 13: A group of documentarians decide to shoot a documentary about their old camp, Camp Crystal Lake. They find that their camp has been left to rot after the camp's owners lost their special needs son to the lake. The crew decides to stay on premises while shooting and telling stories about their memories of the camp, spicing in video from old camp videos and family movies from different people. The group finds a bunch of weird stuff in the cabins including a cabin filled diaries written by Pamela Voorhees, which will give clues to how Jason was resurrected and possibly if it can be mentioned, a khandarian book, a dream demon, and a man in a William Shatner mask. Possibly making Pamela the catalyst for some of the greatest, horrible, frightening occurrences in cinema history. And then all of the film makers die in proper Friday the 13th fashion. The movie ends with a sideways camera view of Pamela Voorhees completing the resurrection spell bringing Jason back to life but now with a blood thirsty demon inside. One so thirsty that he kills his mother. The end.

This is The End

The Croods

Frozen Ground

Box Office:

Runner Runner

Bad Milo

Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl 3DS

Flashback Win

NBA 2K14 PS3, X360

Rain PS3

Rune Factory 4 3DS

A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda XBLA

The Cave iOS

Gaming Corner

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