Friday, October 18, 2013

10 Little Details about Pokemon X & Y

10 little details about Pokemon X & Y that have changed the series forever

10. When talking to a younger child, your character crouches.

9. Your in game bike has a light that turns on at a certain time.

8. You may now customize your character in different ways.

7. You may register 4 items with the Y button

6. Though they're all the same, other than what your character looks like, you can create a "PR video" to promote yourself.

5. Some areas show shadows of Pokemon hiding in tall grass, sand, or inside caves.

4. There are different places that Pokemon can hide other than the aforementioned places. 

3. Sky Battles! These are battles that only flying types can be involved in.

2. The Union Room and GTS are now anywhere you are. As long as you aren't in battle or in a dialogue scene, you may access link battles, the GTS, and trades which include...

1. Wonder Trades! The most addicting roll of the dice trading system ever.


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