Saturday, November 15, 2014

L4t5: So The M Stands for Marvel

Sponsors: Artchemy! and pick up some L4T merch

This week's playlist/queue

Us against humanity

Socially Awkward

•so an article appeared on reddit about twins Jerry and Terry Bell. Who are they? Well they are just Terry Bell. According to the story, Terry got his picture taken twice and put in the year book.

His name was actually Gary.

•you ever call someone by the wrong name? Like if the name was Tucker and you pronounced it with an F? What if you worked for Fox News and you completely fucked up Mike Huckabee's name?

•so a guy sent his ex girlfriend 15 baby chicks with the note "there are plenty of chicks out there". The bitch was going to put those baby chicks in the trash... Proving that there are fucking horrible people out there.

So Long & Thanx 4 All The Fish

Nerds' Words

•CM Punk left the WWE earlier this year and has now been signed as a writer for Marvel Comics. His first comics will be Thor next year.

•Spiderman characters are awesome. There are so many viable movie options with in the mythos that is Spider-Man. And seriously who doesn't want to see a movie about Aunt May? 

•Fantastic Four is going to detour from the comics as much as possible or so it seems. Not only do we have multi racial siblings, YA heroes, and brand new power origins but also a completely new bad guy or at least a completely changed bad guy. No more Victor Von Doom... It's now Victor Donachev... He's no scientist either, he's an anti social programmer who's online tag is Doom.

• Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart are teaming up on a new comedy called Central Intelligence.

Playing Favorites: Favorite Gadget?

Next week's black car

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