Sunday, July 20, 2014

Dashing Con Dreams

Dashcon was a tumblr convention this past weekend. Let's talk about this disaster. 

Playing Favorites: Favorite Pro Wrestler of All Time

So Long & Thanx 4 All The Fish

Tommy Ramone, 65, Hungarian-born American Hall of Fame record producer and drummer (The Ramones), bile duct cancer.

What If...

   I wanna pimp out two different movies this week.
1)  Lessons Learned
You guys know I'm a huge puppet fan. This seemingly low budget Henson inspired piece comes from Toby Froud who is probably best known as the baby Toby in The Labyrinth.

2) Horns
Now for some reason I can't understand all I can think about when I hear about this movie is the video game Catherine. But this is actually a cool psychological thriller starring Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe 

   Big Hero 6 has a couple of new pics of the heroes within the new Disney/Marvel movie.

  The new Constantine show hasn't even aired yet and it has already lost it's leading lady. Lucy Griffiths has apparently quit the series because the creators want to go in a different direction than she had previously thought.

Rio 2

UnderThe Skin

Box Office
Sex Tape

Planes: Fire and Rescue

The Purge Anarchy

I Wish I Was Here

Video Games
Freedom Planet Win, Mac, Lin

Game Corner
Destiny is in beta for PS4 owners, and next week for XBone players. Sadly, Dinklege's best line has been cut. That wizard no longer came from the moon :/

A new Fatal Frame (the pS2/Xbox survival horror series where you fight ghosts win your spirit's way scarier than it sounds) was announced for Wii U, in Japan this fall. No word yet on a western release, but there is a manga and film planned. The film seems to be geared for a western release, which would likely indicate the game will come over too.

Captain Falcon, Lucina, and Robin (avatar character) enter the fray! Old classic and two new Fire Emblem Awakening characters were confirmed. The games lead, Chrom, was omitted due to similarities with Ike and Marth's protagonist style and

The former dictator of Panama, Manuel Noriega, is suing Activision. The level "Suffer With Me," in Black Ops 2, features his likeness. Not nice things are said about him, and his panties are all in a bunch about it.

Fred Durst streamed Call of Duty on Twitch. He made his clan tag CWA: Crackas With Attitude. I don't have anything to add to that, just let it flow.

The Turnbuckle
   Our preview of Battleground! From Y2Bray to Uso Crazy to the fatal snoreway!

Tales From The East

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